
Hell House The Book Of Samiel

What would you do if there was a house in your neighborhood that was supposed to be truly evil from the events that have taken place in it? You know like an Urban Legend… well Hell House: The Book Of Samiel is a film about just that experience. A long time ago a dad did not want his daughter to be with the guy she was with and forbid her to see him.

Well of course with young love, 9 outta 10 the girl is not going to listen and probably get caught sometime within the process. One night the Dad follows the girl and finds her getting busy in the car with her love. Let’s just say that things get out of hand and the blood flows freely. Now teens like Steve and Paul wanna take their girlfriend to the house to party and play doctor.

Steve’s Dad is a real estate agent so he steals the keys to the house and the party is on! They get there and weird things are happening like Sasha wanting to take a bath and feels something touching her and Steve gets acquainted with some nasty cockroaches. Danny is abused by her father and has a very timid personality and is easily tapped into by the restless spirits residing there.       

These kids wish they never got involved with the house but it is too late the book of Samiel has been opened and there is no turning back. Who would of thought that the whispered rumors were real and the house doesn’t want them to ever leave especially since Danny is a virgin and just what they need to be able to roam the earth freely again!

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