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Writer/Director Keith Smith as begun laying the foundation for a great horror film right on the Texas coast.  “Hellstorm” is shaping up to be one of the biggest Indie Films to come out of Texas in a long time.

The Synopsis goes: “A group of architectural students, their professor and chaperon are trapped in an abandoned building during a freak storm. Soon they encounter something much more terrifying than the storm itself.”

What is it that they encounter? Is it a what or a who? 

The questions are there and considering that anyone on the Gulf or Atlantic coasts have dealt with a Hellstorm before, this should be an interesting film for those people to get into. The poster sets up a destructive situation and it looks as though there will be a town leveled by this storm.

The cast seems to be coming together quickly. On the Epiphany Filmwerks ( website they seem to have a few familiar faces. Jesse Kozel, Devanny Pinn and Scarlett Salem are there in a few photos taken from Texas Frightmare a few weekends ago. 

Go to the “Hellstorm” Facebook page the cast is quite interesting. There are some new faces as well as some people who have seen their fair share of a blood splattered film.

Sage Hall (Candy., Trust No One), Regan Deal (Cabin Fever 2), Natacha Itzel (100 Tears, Jona Hex), Scarlett Salem (Unholy Reunion, Terror Overload) , Jesse Kozel (Candy. Ripped Memories), Debbie Rochon (Colour From the Dark, Slime City Massacre), Devanny Pinn (15 Till Midnight, Ding Dong Dead), Tara Cardinal (Ding Dong Dead, Ripped Memories), Shelby Stehlin (The Steam Experiment) and Travis Kerschen (Rain Curtain).

No word if this is the entire cast or if others are set to join.
Check out the Facebook page for updates.

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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