
SHADOWS: Supernatural Tales by Masters of Modern Literature

“Required reading for all horror fans. Grab it and lock yourself in a room lit by a flickering fire while sheets of rain pound against your windows. Wait for that hair on your neck to creep with electricity and then stand on end. Pray that you survive until dawn.” ~ Shroud Magazine

“Chilling tales by some of the finest authors of dark fiction. Prepare to be entertained.” ~ Book Love

“Superlative and memorable! Some of the most transformative speculative fiction ever written.” ~ The Tomb of Dark Delights

SHADOWS features terrifying explorations of the dark by many of the great writers who revolutionized dark fiction. These may be the finest, most evocative ghost stories ever written.

Virginia Woolf
D. H. Lawrence
E. M. Forster
Edith Wharton
Willa Cather
Henry James
Algernon Blackwood
Oliver Onions
Montague Rhodes James

and more

“Abandoned houses seldom turn out to be as empty as they appear. Voices fade, but echoes linger in the dimness, and sometimes figures emerge from those shadows, if only in dreams. With styles gravitating toward the ambiguous and the existential, the artists who revolutionized Gothic horror did so by bringing it into the modern world, away from all those castle battlements and dreary moors, replacing superstitious dread with psychological sophistication.” ~ from the Introduction by Robert Dunbar

“Life itself is but the shadow of death, and souls departed but the shadows of the living.” ~ Thomas Browne

SHADOWS Supernatural Tales by Masters of Modern Literature

From Uninvited Books
ISBN: 978-0-980457-0-0
Soft cover; 280 pages; $14.95
eBook $1.95

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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