
The Commune


THE COMMUNE opens as a Greek tragedy set in modern times, where a young teen must head out to her father’s remote commune for summer vacation. Things are not as pleasant as they seem at this religious retreat, as Jenny is thrust into an oppressive lifestyle controlled by her domineering father, who seems to have ulterior motives for his little girl. What results is a psycho-sexual thriller that draws clear influence from Robin Hardy’s THE WICKER MAN.

Chauntal Lewis plays well into the role of the innocent fool being led right into the devil’s den. Although it is not big on scares, Elisabeth Fies sets an increasing sense of dread and unease that is deeply rooted in Oedipal psychoanalytics. This leads to a disturbing finale, one which may not be entirely unexpected, but one that the audience hopes will not come true. THE COMMUNE would have made a stronger impression if the character of Dr. Polieos had been played by a more commanding lead, but Stuart G. Bennett is sufficiently creepy and unnerving as the cult leader. Fans of THE WICKER MAN will appreciate this twisted little mystery that is finally completing its run on the Indie circuit in order to make its debut on DVD and On Demand.


Chauntal Lewis, David Lago and Stuart G. Bennett

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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