
Barbazul (Bluebeard)


Barbazul is based on the classic fairytale “La Barbe Bleue” (Bluebeard, 1697) by Charles Perrault, author of Cinderella, which tells the story of a wealthy and feared aristocrat with a blue beard who has the bad habit of killing his wives.

In the original story the sinister aristocrat, with many wives already under his belt and whose fates are a mystery, convinces a neighbor to give Bluebeard his youngest daughter’s hand in marriage. The bearded villain takes his new young and terrified wife to his castle, gives her the keys to all of the rooms and the liberty to open each one, with the exception of one room.

In Amy Hesketh’s version, Barbazul meets Soledad, a young aspiring model trying to financially support her younger student sister. Barbazul proposes marriage and takes her to his faraway plantation. Soledad knows that Barbazul has already been married to a famous model who disappeared under mysterious circumstances.


Jac Avila
Veronica Paintoux
Mila Joya
Paola Terán
Erika Saavedra
Amy Hesketh
Mariela Salaverry
Roberto Lopez L.
Erik Antoine

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BARBAZUL – Intriguing, unusual horror film, which unfolds like a fable… Appropriate, when you consider its fairy tale roots. Consistently strange and quite entertaining once it sinks in. But it also has an odd, naturalistic quality that gives the proceedings an uncomfortable, voyeuristic feeling – keeping you on edge. The use of extremely jet black humor helps to release the tension. And you find yourself laughing at the most inappropriate moments. But still, as the film builds to an unexpected and unnerving finale, some might walk out with butterflies in their stomachs.

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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