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Slain At Lover’s Lane (Fundraising)

RomDate Commercial (Slain At Lover’s Lane) from Health Entertainment Network on Vimeo.

What is the price of REVENGE?

Slain At Lover’s Lane is a Horror Film in the style of “Evil Dead 2” and “Dead Alive”, with the drama and emotion of Peter Jackson’s “Heavenly Creatures”. It’s a story about an endearing young girl named Alice. As a child Alice witnesses her mother being beaten to death and vows one day to get revenge against the murderer. Our story takes place primarily when Alice is an adult living with the choices she has made, the price of her revenge and the morbid and murderous habit that has stemmed from it! All she wants now is is to find her true love, a living, breathing man that will treat her right, unfortunately she finds Skylar, 20’s, chauvanistic, and with the personality of a plank. It will be a night to remember when the film ends with a chase sequence involving an axe, well deserved revenge, an unexpected and rotting guest, a dance number and of course someone who will be eventually Slain at Lover’s Lane!

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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