
Violence Continues: Third Attack Blamed on The Slender Man.


Some people in certain cultures believe that if you put enough thought, time, and emotion into something – you can willfully cause it to exist and bring life to an idea. You have to stop and wonder if the cases of violence blamed on The Slender Man are more than just the overactive imaginations of impressionable, disturbed youths.

For the third time in just three months, a violent outburst is being blamed on internet villain The Slender Man. Early Thursday morning, September 4, a 14-year-old Pasco County, Florida girl set fire to her family home. When authorities responded to the 911 phone call and arrived at the scene, they concluded that the teen had soaked a towel and bed-sheet in rum and other flammable liquid and set it on fire in hopes of torching the house while her mother and 9-year-old brother slept inside.

Luckily, they fled the house shortly after 1:00AM as the fire alarm signaled them of danger. The girl was found several hours later after police tracked her down using text messages she was sending to her mother. Previously, the girl was reading a book – Soul Eater – which is about killing people; and she was also a frequent visitor of Creepypasta was the original home of The Slender Man, a tall fictional character who wears a black suit, has no face, and over-exaggerated long, wiry arms and legs. According to creator Victor Surge, his backstory involves stalking, abducting, and traumatizing children.

In May two 12-year-old girls stabbed a classmate 19 times as a tribute to The Slender Man. In June an Ohio mother was attacked by her 13-year-old daughter who said that The Slender Man motivated the attack.

Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)

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