
Lilith’s Apple Review


With ‘Once Upon a Time’ on television and the general interest in adult adaptations of fairy tales on the rise I bought ‘Lilith’s Apple’ expecting much of the same old, same old. ‘Lilith’s Apple’ surprised me.

It’s not an adult spin on a fairy tale as I anticipated. It’s much more original, combining the elements of ‘Adam and Eve’ from the Bible, including Lilith, the title character and Adam’s first wife , the first woman ever created, and spins it around a twisted version of Snow White; with the 7 deadly sins acting as the 7 Dwarfs.

The story centers around Lilith, the main ‘villain’, and Evangeline, the daughter of Adam and Eve. It takes place in Purgatory, where Lilith is queen, and on Earth, where the 7 deadly sins are in hiding from her with Evangeline, or Eve as she is called there. Lilith, a sympathetic villain, still traumatized by being banished from Paradise for refusing to submit herself to Adam, is seeking revenge against Heaven and Hell. She needs Evangeline, who is without sin in order to increase her powers. She pays Wrath, a shape-changing ‘Huntsman’ to help her, but he has his own interests in Eve.

The bickering and play between the 7 deadly sins while they protected Eve was fun to read, and I enjoyed how the story tied together so seamlessly. The characters felt real in spite of their varied and colorful backgrounds, and I thought both Lilith and Eve had a lot in common. The ending amazed me because I didn’t see it coming. I thought things would turn out differently, kind of expected them to, but now I’m left hanging, waiting for the next book.

Nick Kisella and Deana Demko wove a very detailed tapestry in writing this story. I applaud their originality and look forward to reading more by them, hopefully in the near future.

I purchased the Kindle version of this here:


Post Submitted by: Jean Wilson

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Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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