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Reichsfuhrer-SS Unveils Official DVD Key Art.

10411747_835771743161374_8355543799380349699_nAnyone who routinely follows my posts will know that I am a self proclaimed poster and DVD cover art whore. The easiest way to convince me to stream or rent a movie is to have kick ass promotional materials. In the case of upcoming Nazi horror-thriller Reichsfuhrer-SS, that mission of final solution has been accomplished. I love the official DVD key art which was created by David Gechman. It’s sleek, it’s bloody, it has – what I determine to be – the silhouette of an eagle, and it’s a good representation of the madness within the movie while also concealing some of the supernatural surprises! Job well done!

The release of the official DVD cover art comes just two months after it was announced that Reichsfuhrer-SS had been acquired for distribution by SGL Entertainment. A late 2015 release to all VOD and DVD outlets is planned, but with a “Most Anticipated Film” nomination at, and this great looking cover art, I think people are really going to be drawn to this title.

Reichsfuhrer-SS is written and directed by David B. Stewart III with cinematographer and executive producer John Martineau. Both gentlemen also appear in the movie alongside Angelina Leigh, Chuck Maher, Martin Slamon, Tina Krause, Tammy Jean, Joseph Barford, Anthony Cerrano, Kelly Weston, Joe Ronca and Carmela Hayslett.

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“The Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler was Adolf Hitler’s most loyal henchman and one of the most feared men of WWII. Surprisingly, he had only one problem… He had no stomach for murder! When the Reichsfuhrer-SS becomes physically ill during the execution of Russian POW’s on the Eastern front in 1941, ruthless, careerist SS General Hans Shellenberg rats Himmler out to the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler. Hitler tests his loyal Heinrich, forcing him to commit the murder of a Polish prisoner named Danuta with his own hands… thus awakening the Monster within him that will horrify the world for generations to come! Himmler may please his Fuhrer in 1941, but what awaits him after he commits suicide in 1945 is nothing less than Hell itself. See what happens when Himmler meets Erebus, the gatekeeper of Hell! See the nightmarish suffering that awaits the infamous Nazi leader who murdered millions!”

Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)

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