
TV Recap: “Scream: The TV Series,” Episode 2.07 – Let the Right One In

Now *THIS* Was A Good Episode! Finally!


“Scream: The TV Series,” Episode 2.07 – Let the Right One In

Intro: Eli is getting ready for…no, must be the weekend because no one’s at school, so Eli is getting ready to start his day. He makes toast, grabs a knife and goes upstairs to ominously stare at his mom and Brooke’s dad in bed together. Emma gets another phone call from Karen Lang, who she doesn’t trust, but before she can answer Sheriff Acosta and his deputy arrive at her doorstep. They sit down with Maggie and reveal that the emails from Riley, who was one of last year’s victims, are coming from Emma’s computer. They don’t believe she sent the emails and actually appear to believe that she’s the target of the killer, especially when revealing they know about last year’s funhouse incident. Emma tells them about the farm house incident before going to see Kieran. She knows he told the police about the funhouse and she feels betrayed by him again. I don’t see their relationship lasting much longer.

Best Buddies: After Audrey revealed that she was the reason Piper Shaw came to Lakewood, she spent the night in Noah’s room while she was racked with guilt. When they decide to start their day, they head to the coffee shop and discover that Eli and Emma have switched shifts. Inside the coffee shop, Noah runs into Zoe and she asks him out on a date, which he eagerly accepts. Noah heads off to get ready and Brooke runs up to Audrey to tell her that she handcuffed Seth Branson to a bed in a hotel room to jump him for information on Jake’s murder. Turns out he didn’t do it, duh. Only thing is, Brooke still has the key so someone needs to go and let him out of the restraints. Meanwhile, Sheriff Acosta and his deputy go to the abandoned James Farm and find a creepy, blurry picture of a man playing with Emma as a toddler.

Interesting, Sort Of: When Emma arrives for her shift at the coffee shop, she’s still pissed off that Kieran betrayed her to the cops again and Eli tries to console her. He tells her that Kieran looks to bury his feelings deep inside because he had a rough childhood, he’s lost his mother, stepfather and his real father died in the massacre last year. He’s probably just afraid of losing Emma, too. Zoe and Noah drive out to a lake for the date and Noah asks her why she wasn’t around for the massacre last year. Zoe says something about a space program, which Noah is familiar with and calls her out on the lie when he realizes the dates of her study time there don’t match up with the website. Zoe is upset, but opens up to Noah and tells him she tried to kill herself and went away for that month of time.

Thelma and Louise: Audrey calls Noah to tell him where she and Brooke are going, but Zoe hides the phone so Noah can’t answer. The girls go to the hotel room and discover that Seth is gone (because Ghostface took him), but his watch and blindfold are still there. As if on cue, Brooke gets text messages from Seth (Ghostface is doing the messaging) telling her to meet him alone at their own hookup spot at the high school. If she doesn’t meet him there, then he’ll turn her into the police for the whole hotel incident. Audrey agrees to go with her anyway because Seth is a known predator of his students and she wants to keep Brooke safe. Meanwhile, at the coffee shop, Ms. Lang approaches Emma to apologize for locking her in a classroom and Emma tells her to fuck off in a nice way.


Filler Filler: At the beach, Noah and Zoe enjoy their date and even make out. When the date ends, Noah invites Zoe over his house later that night since his parents are out of town. She says yes, and he goes to the store to buy condoms. Noticing that Emma is so stressed out, Eli offers to take her out to dinner just so they can talk. Kieran walks into the coffee shop at that moment and mistakes their friendship for flirtation.

Ghostface Strikes: It is revealed that Karen Lang recorded her conversation with Emma. She has files on all of The Lakewood Six and has been recording them for a long amount of time without their knowledge. She’s recording herself speaking about the findings from her investigation when she hears noise coming from outside her classroom. Ghostface calls her and lurkers her outside so he can sneak into her office and steal some of her reports. Karen goes into the hallway again when Ghostface mentions Seth and she literally bumps into the killer. Ghostface attacks her but she manages to escape… and trips over Seth Branson, who’s still alive. Ghostface finishes him off and stabs him in the chest before chasing after Karen again. They fight on a staircase, but Ghostface wins and throws her over the edge. He’s about to finish her off, too, but a janitor arrives and Ghostface flees.

Clusterfuck: Audrey and Brooke arrive at the high school and Audrey wants to go in first. She pretends to want to protect Brooke, but in reality she wants to go first because Ghostface threatened to send Brooke the .gif of her and Jake’s body if she didn’t come. Audrey goes in first and is immediately approached by the janitor, who thinks she is with the ambulance. Brooke comes charging in and the janitor shows the two girl’s Karen’s very, very bloody body – yet she’s still alive! Seth’s is no where to be found. Meanwhile, at Noah’s house, he’s showing Zoe his current edit of the next episode of his podcast when Zoe tells him to go get them some beers. While he’s gone, Zoe discovers the .mp3 of Audrey’s confession and emails it to herself. Noah and Zoe start to have sex, but they’re interrupted by Audrey bargaining in and telling him about Karen. They start to realize that Audrey is just as big a target as Emma is.

Fire: Eli and Emma are having dinner in a nice house by some trailer parks. Eli reveals that he doesn’t know the owner of the house, he just has a thing for breaking and entering because, when he breaks in to a home, he can pretend to be the owner and be a different person for a few minutes. What they don’t know, though, is the house they broke into is Ghostface’s and the bodies of Seth Branson and Eddy are in the bathtub upstairs. Eli kissed Emma, but she turns him down because she’s still technically with Kieran and isn’t a cheater. Suddenly, the smoke detector goes off and they discover someone (probably Ghostface) has lit the porch on fire. They go to the back door, but that’s on fire as well. They escape out the car garage on the side of the house. Emma wants to call the police, but Eli says no, it’s their little secret now. As they leave, Seth Branson wakes up in the bathtub (hoooowwww thooooo) and calls for help as the fire rages through the house.

End: Maggie meets Sheriff Acosta in the James’ Farm House. They’re alone. They start talking about the killer and Acosta believes it’s a person they’re familiar with from the past, though Maggie assures him “we dealed with that already.” Still, Acosta is unconvinced and thinks the man with Emma in the picture could be the killer.


Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)

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