
Blood and Beauties – An Interview with Death-Scort Service Part 2: The Naked Dead Director Sean Donohue

One of the hottest indie horror releases of 2015 was Sean Donohue’s Death-Scort Service.  This raunchy no-budget gore fest was shared through countless horror groups and was a hit among horror fans.  On a personal level, it was one of the highest rated reviews of my career.

When Sean announced a sequel I knew that I had to dust off my interviewing skills and ask him a few questions about this anticipated release.  I want to thank Sean for giving Horror Society some of his time.

Sean, you’ve had one hell of a career. You brought us indie horror hits Joe Vampire, Die Die Delta Pi, Cannibal Claus, and Death-Scort Service. The last being a major hit among horror fans. At what point did you realize that you made a real crowd pleaser?

Die Die Delta Pi did pretty good with fans. For the most part it got good reviews, however they weren’t stellar. When I formulated the idea for Death-Scort Service, I tailored it to what reviewers said Die Die Delta’ Pi was lacking – more gore, more nudity etc. When Death-Scort Service was all finished and I sat down with Chris Woods and watched the final product. I just didn’t realize how much nudity and gore we overloaded the movie with, fans really seemed to dig that. Although it has not sold real well it seems to be my most popular and most liked film.

What inspired you to make the first Death-Scort Service and when did you realize that a sequel had to be made?

Like I said above, I made Death-Scort Service to try to give fans a movie they wanted. Every complaint I got on Delta I fixed it with Death-Scort Service. I replaced Sorority girls with hookers and replaced chest stabbing with dismemberment and insertion kills. I wanted to make a sequel to the film because the people that liked it , really liked it so I felt it was necessary. I have never made a sequel to any of my movies but this one felt like it deserved a sequel.

The first Death-Scort film was filled with over the top blood and sleaze? Can we expect the same with the sequel or will you try to outdo yourself?

YES! This one will deliver the goods. I don’t know if I out did myself, that’s hard to do. I was just trying to make something fun and entertaining. I let the viewers decide when it comes out.

What can we expect from the sequel? Is anything going to be different?

The sequel starts off right where the first one left off then it picks back up 1yr later. It is definitely going to have a slight different feel than the first one mainly because we have a bigger cast and more locations. However the nudity, gore and sleaze is there, we didn’t sugar coat. Don’t expect to see too many of the original characters from the first film , well because they died in it. However you can expect to see Miss Krystal “Pixie” Adams and Mr. Bob Glazier making memorable appearances in this sequel.



(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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