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Zombie Anonymous (2006)

In an imagined reality where zombies coexist with ordinary mortal folk, the undead are considered second-class citizens. Angela finds this out the hard way when she’s shot by her boyfriend, Josh, and must learn to adjust to her new zombie lifestyle.

Zombie Anonymous is a horror comedy but it’s a lore than that. This movie runs 118mins and stars Jenny Greeman, Joseph DeVito and Yarusha Jimenez.

When Angela’s boyfriend, Josh, shoots her in the head, Angela’s troubles are really just beginning. Not only does she have to deal with a sadistic ex-boyfriend, but she now has to cope with being undead. To help her cope, she seeks out a zombie support group to help her deal with her new situation, but Angela still longs to be alive. To be normal.

Meanwhile, Josh and his friends begin to resent having to coexist with the undead. Their hatred of the zombies leads them to fin the comandant.

The comandant is a woman who pulls no punches about her feelings of zombies. She recruits like-mind individuals who hunt down and executes/destroy zombies even when those zombies where once members in her army and died in the pursuit of her goals.

In her pursuit of finding her way, Angela gets mixed up with a band of zombies who consider themselves superior to mortals. Thus begins the tale of “good vs evil” of sorts. All the while Angela must come to terms of who and what she has become.

Zombie Anonymous does have some very humorous moments but I’m afraid it has too few. Rather I find this movie is more about raciscm and hatred. This is clearly demonstrated by the portrayal of the comandant and her malicious pursuit of zombies and how she viciously slaughters them.

Overall, Zombie Anonymous is an entertaining and action packed flick but I didn’t really enjoy myself while watching it. I can’t recomend if for the everyday horror viewer, but for those zombie fans, this might be an enjoyable watch.

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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