
Plan 9 & Darkstone Entertainment Seeking Producers

Another remake… Yes, but one you can be involved with!

Plan 9 From Outer Space is being remade simply as Plan 9. In the original Plan 9 From Outer Space, which was released in 1959, aliens re-animate the dead in hopes of wiping out the human population on Earth. This film, which stars Vampira and Tom Keene, was dubbed “the worst film ever made,” by several authors and director ED Wood received an award crowing him “the worst director ever.” Damn… I hope the remake has better luck this time around!

Plan 9 will be keeping most of the original plot from Plan 9 From Outer Space, while also adding some new things and making this horror-scifi film more appealing to the masses of our time. Filming of Plan 9 reportedly wrapped this April. Featured cast members will include Monique Dupree (“The First Black Scream Queen,” or “The Original Gata”), Brian Krause (Sleepwalkers, Blue Lagoon, “Leo” in Charmed), Addy Miller (“Little Girl Zombie” in The Walking Dead), Matthew Ewald, James Rolfe (“Angry Video Game Nerd” on Youtube), and Aaron Yonda & Matt Sloan (“Chad Vader” on Youtube). John Johnson and Edward D Wood Jr will serve as writers, with John Johnson also taking the helm as director.

Mr. Johnson & Darkstone Entertainment are seeking an additional #4-10,000. This will cover post-production costs and pay for an additional scene to be filmed that will feature a yet-to-be-named horror icon. Also, submitting $100 and up will insure you an associate producer credit for Plan 9. Since we are the largest source and community for independent horror, I encourage you to donate some cash, even if it is just $5. Plus, you’ll get yourself a movie credit (I can’t wait to add mine to IMDB… Oh, yeah!) Contact Darkstone about donating funds here and learn more about Plan 9 here.

Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)

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