
Eliza’s Diary (Review)


I have a special treat for you all today – a review of Eliza’s Diary, the latest film by Carmela Hayslett, Christian Jude Grillo, and the rest of the Potent Media gang. My goal with this review is to inspire you to go see this short film at any available screenings, or wherever it ends up in the future. It really is a fun little ride.

Eliza’s Diary follows the story of Eliza (Carmela Hayslett) and the events that happen to her after returning from a small shopping trip. You see, at a small boutique Eliza and Jack (D.M. Folger Jr.) stumble upon a unique looking journal..erm, I mean diary. After the purchase of the diary, Eliza returns home to find that her brother, Robbie (Chuck Maher), has had a spat with his girlfriend and he needs a place to stay. As a way to cool her frustrations, Eliza sits down to write in the diary and quickly finds out the diary can write itself through an entity that appears trapped inside the pages. This is when things begin to get out of control…

Eliza’s Diary is directed by Christian Jude Grillo and Carmela Hayslett. Hayslett also wrote the screenplay for the film. Grillo also serves as cinematographer and editor. Guillermo Martinez serves as executive producer. In addition to Hayslett, Folger, and Maher, the film also stars Carl Stevens, Melissa Michalczyk, and Ashley Keller.

In an initial posting I did on Horror Society, I compared Eliza’s Diary to Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. There’s another film on the tip of my mind as well, but I just can’t remember it. I think it is safe to say that if you ever come across a diary that writes back, just throw it out, because nothing good ever lurks inside…ever. In Eliza’s Diary it becomes apparent whatever is inside the diary wants to get it out and harm people. The “spirit of the diary” is a cool villain since you don’t really know how “Alfred” ended up there. My only gripe with the diary and the creature inside is that we never get a glimpse of it. Gimme one frame of monster and I’d be satisfied.

I’m a huge fan of Roxsy Tyler’s Carnival of Horrors and all of Potent Media in general. It was nice to see Carmela Hayslett out of the Roxsy Tyler get up and it was nice to see some of her acting chops outside of the Roxsy Tyler character. Being that Carmela wrote the script herself, probably with herself in mind to play Eliza, I think it all worked together wonderfully. Carmela matched the script exactly in terms of the emotions needed for the scenes and her mannerisms were spot on with what I would have expected. Carmela is a wonderful actress and a talented script writer too!

All of the various sets used really matched the tone of the film. The boutique, the writing room – everything – really had a semi-gothic feel to it. Sort of dark and gloomy, but without making you want to kill yourself. A good set design or proper location really helps keep up the tone of the film. Major props to Christian Jude Grillo for understanding that crucial part of film making, but hey, I expected nothing less from him! He is a genius. [insert drunk Anna Nicole Smith clap]

Oh, also! Whoever made the fake blood for the film is clearly an expert. Most realistic blood I’ve seen in an indie film in a long time! As someone learning special FX myself, I was quite impressed!

Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)

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