
Paranormal Incident (Review)

No, not Paranormal Activity… No, not Paranormal Entity… This is Paranormal Incident! Paranormal Incident is another link in the “found footage,” paranormal event chain. Paranormal Activity is the Queen  of Paranormal Found Footage Films, but recent additions to the genre like The Task and Grave Encounters have given it a real run for its money. So how does Paranormal Incident rank in the grand scheme of things? Uh…dead last…

Paranormal Incident follows the story of six college students who investigate the famous Odenbrook Sanitarium. Their goal is to prove the existence of the supernatural inside the fabled, abandoned sanitarium…as part of a psychology project. Of course things get creepy (at least I’m sure that’s what the script said) and don’t go as planned. There is only one survivor and he wakes up inside a hospital room being interviewed by the police. Along with the tapes recovered from the sanitarium and his testimony, he begins to tell the story of what happened those two nights and how all of his friends ended up dead.

Paranormal Incident is written and directed by Matthew Bolton. Matthew Bolton is an actor and stuntman, but more importantly he has a lot of experience working as a camera operator for hit awards shows such as The Teen Choice Awards and The Billboard Music Awards. This is the first film of his career that he has written and directed, along with Chris W. Freeman. It stars Amanda Barton (Dracula’s Curse), Keith Compton (Farewell Darkness), Brett Edwards (Little Soldier), Oliver Rayon (Super Shark), Derrick Scott (2010: Moby Dick), and Chelsea Vincent (“The Funny Man”). Interesting note, a lot of cast and crew of Paranormal Incident have reunited to appear in the upcoming slasher flick, Sorority Party Massacre.

Ughh… What is there to really say here? Um… I just really didn’t like it. Compared to other films that I listed at the beginning, this film is nowhere near the same quality. The actual quality of film is not where it should be, just a step above a normal household video camera (which I have so I really shouldn’t pick on that…). The script is good, but with poor execution from crew and some poor performances from actors, it all falls short. Speaking of the acting, some actors are really good and some are just barely average. All the twists and plot developments didn’t make much sense either. It’s all just…barely average.

Sorry guys, didn’t like this one…

Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)


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  1. What was the ending’s deal?
    It made no sense at all, like it was the ending to a different movie and they just pulled it out of a hat. It was nonsense, or was it just me?

  2. I didn’t get the end either. Just watched the movie and didn’t think it was horrible until the end. Wasn’t the greatest throughout, but had its moments. It would be nice if the writer could come out and say what he meant by the end.

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