
Hell’s Ridge

Ever since her father committed suicide, Jade has been drawn to the abandoned asylum outside town. Since its inception in 1892, the Well Ridge Institution ran smoothly for decades until a series of grisly murders forced the state to shut it down in 1968. Condemned and aptly monikered “Hell’s Ridge”, the building has laid dormant ever since – until now.

When Jade learns that Wellridge is to be demolished, her strange hallucinations grow increasingly powerful, compelling her to investigate the building for herself. She convinces four friends to join her for one night of harmless fun before the asylum is gone forever. Unbeknownst to them, an ancient evil lurks there and it’s anything but harmless.

After breaking into the asylum, a series of bizarre supernatural occurrences push the group to the edge of madness. They attempt to flee, but the demonic forces have sinister plans for Jade. The nightmare is just beginning.

Jade soon learns that the demons feed on human fear, which grants them the power to manifest themselves in the physical world and control living souls. One by one the evil takes dominion over Jade’s friends, evoking hideous physical transformations and an insatiable murderous rage.

Jade must uncover the mystery from her past and fight to stay alive in the vast labyrinth of Hell’s Ridge, never knowing what new evil lurks in the darkness or whose soul will be taken next.

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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