Releasing in theaters on September 5, 2014, The Remaining is an action-packed, supernatural thriller about a close-knit group of friends celebrating a wedding when a series of catastrophic events turns the party into a life-and-death struggle. The young group desperately scrambles for refuge and self-preservation while a horrifying enemy unleashes its wrath against those remaining alive. They must figure out what is happening around them, and find a way to survive together in a terrifying new world of death and destruction.
The supernatural thriller, based on biblical accounts of the end times is directed by Casey La Scala and written by La Scala and Chris Dowling. The film stars Alexa Vega (Spy Kids), Bryan Dechart (TV’s Jane By Design), Johnny Pacar (Flight 29 Down), Shaun Sipos (Texas Chainsaw 3D, TV’s The Vampire Diaries), Italia Ricci (TVs Chasing Life), and newcomer Liz E. Morgan. The Remaining is produced by Brad Luff (Urban Legends), Marc Bienstock (Quarantine 2: Terminal) and La Scala. Rounding out La Scala’s team are cinematographer Doug Emmett (Paranormal Activity 4), production designer Brian Stultz (Iron Man 3) and editor Paul Covington (30 Days of Night).
Director Casey La Scala describes events that led him to write the script, “A couple of things happened at the same time. When my father passed a lot of things ran through my mind. One being to love the one you’re with before it’s too late, because things could end in the blink of an eye. I had begun writing Amityville, which was the Paranormal Activity model and I begin to think about what it would look like to have global paranormal activity. The same thoughts occurred when I was involved with the production of A Walk to Remember. Writer Nicholas Sparks has a faith-based, very family-oriented voice, which led to me think, what if I put the two ideas together? I wanted to create a story that would capture the imagination of everyone, mainstream and faith-based audiences. The Remaining captures both by centering on the extreme and horrific circumstances surrounding the biblical accounts of the end times.”
La Scala commented on the look and feel of the film, “I initially started out with conceptualizing the script like a found footage movie. Then I began writing and decided I wanted to create a more interesting look for the visual style and started thinking about an omniscient camera. Within the framework of this film, we wanted to be able to catch the visceral reactions of a character shooting a home movie. So I decided to do a hybrid of both to capture it all. When the audience sees the movie they will feel like they are there.”
The Remaining is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of terror, violence and destruction throughout, and thematic elements. Running time is 87 min.
Top horror artist Kyle Hotz is illustrating the graphic novel adaptation of The Remaining from Kingstone Comics, which is set for a mid-August release on ComiXology, at retail and on all digital platforms. Sony will be partnering with Tyndale House Publishers in the publication of The Remaining, a novelization by critically acclaimed novelist Travis Thrasher that will release in September 2014. Readers can get a sneak peek by downloading the free e-book prologue, The Foreboding, in August (
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