
Sickly Talented: Sidney Cumbie (IG: ISHOOTTHEDEAD)

I’m resurrecting my column, Sickly Talented, mostly due to the large number of special effects artists I’ve been discovering. I would have never guessed, but Instagram is a superb resource for finding make-up artists and FX creators and large catalogues of their work. After a very detailed and difficult selection process – I scrolled until I found the first FX artist I follow on Instagram – I am proud to endorse Sidney Cumbie as sickly talented!

Sidney Cumbie is a Californian who specializes in zombie make-up. His creations have been featured in tons of photo shoots, in a few films, and at events around the United States. You can find examples of his undead masterpieces below. Don’t label him as a one trick pony, though, because if you follow him on Instagram then you’ll see he can work in all areas of science fiction, monster, and serial killer make-ups. With dedication to his personal craft and the art in general, his YouTube channel features make-up tutorials, modeling opportunities with other studios, promotions, and self application videos.

Sidney Cumbie on Instagram:

Sidney Cumbie on Facebook:

Sidney Cumbie on YouTube:

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Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)

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