
Chris Notarile Introduces DC Perspective Films; Four Superhero Fan Films to Make You Think.

He’s captured the attention of YouTube viewers across the world with his slasher fan films and horror villain mash-ups, but lately writer/director/producer Chris Notarile is exploring different genres. From favorite cartoons of yesteryear to current pop culture phenomenons, Notarile is giving his perspective and his stories to the characters we all know and love.

His new series – DC PERSPECTIVE FILMS – sees superheroes including Batman, Superman, The Flash and Wonder Woman interacting with the people they’ve saved. These short films aren’t action packed and pulse raising; opting to take a more emotional punch. Notarile says, “The series packs a bit of a punch as it is laced with important messages about self worth and deals with many hot button issues.”

No matter what the story, EVERYONE DESERVES A HERO!

Starring: Robert P. Young, Zack Santiago, Hailey Hayes & Brian C. Chenworth
As told through the eyes of a heroin addict, a homeless man, named Dante, witnesses Gotham’s Dark Knight stop a crime, but what he sees is terrifying beyond even his own comprehension.

Starring: Kyler O’Neal, Sam Murphy & Ed Gage
Told from her perspective, a transwoman named Sylvia recounts her fateful meeting with Metropolis’ Man of Steel.

Starring: Bobby T, Daniel Wright, Marquis Moore & Joseph Baratta
Told in reflection, Wallace chronicles the day his life was forever altered by a chance encounter with the impossible.


Starring: Lindsey Bean, Valerie Perez, Jackie Gerhardy & Marshall Foster
A young woman remembers the darkest time of her life and how it all changed at the hands of the goddess of truth.

Watch All 4 Fan Films Here

Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)

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