Director(s) – Bill Leslie and Terry Lofton
Starring – Rocky Patterson (Repligator, R.O.T.O.R.), Ron Queen (Trespasses), and Beau Leland (Dallas)
Release Date -1985
Rating – 3.5/5
UHD Release – 4/5
Many years ago, I was able to work out a trade with a member of the Upcoming Horror Movies’ message board for a copy of Nail Gun Massacre on DVD. I had never seen this one before and was on the hunt for a copy. At the time it was out of print and a bit pricey, but I found someone not looking to get rich quickly who was also a member of the board for some time like I was. I traded him a couple DVDS and VHS for a few DVDs. When I finally received everything I had traded for from him I was quick to check out the NGM DVD.
I quickly fell in love with the film and before long I had accumulated a few shirts, hats, beanie, and even a poster or two for the film. I know it’s not perfect and very cheesy but It’s my kind of movie. A few weeks back Terror Vision announced that they would be releasing the film on UHD. I had to jump on this release. I pre-ordered it when it was available and once it arrived, I had to work it into my review schedule.
**Spoiler alert** The film follows a small town that is being terrorized by someone in a motorcycle helmet and a nail gun. The sheriff is following every lead he can and surmises that these deaths are tied to a rape from several months prior with some of the victims being the men accused of raping a young woman. Now he must track down the suspect before more meet their end. **Spoiler Alert**
Nail Gun Massacre is one of the campiest slashers I’ve seen and what makes this one so enjoyable is how unintentionally funny it is. The movie has a lot of laughs, but it’s not meant to be funny. It’s a serious slasher that has gained a cult following due to its comical moments that were not planned or written into the film.
The acting in this one leaves a lot to be desired but I honestly kind of liked it. I’ve watched a lot of no budget S.O.V. and regional horror films over the years and this may be among the better acting but that’s not saying much. You can see a lot of inexperience and lack of direction in this one but that adds to it’s charm.
The story for this one is clearly meant to be taken seriously and draws inspiration from one of the greatest exploitation films of all time, I Spit on Your Grave. The film does switch the killer up to prevent it from being so predictable but anyone that has seen the two films can see how one influenced the other. With that being said, that is where the similarities end. The film takes on a much darker tone, but the atmosphere is lost when the killer talks with the robotic voice and you see the silly deaths. These unintentionally funny moments make the film as great as it is.
Finally, the film has several deaths with a lot of blood, but the effects are pretty simple. The are nails cut to look like they are impaling the victims with blood splattered around them. While these kills do fit the film and offer up a few laughs, it does lack creative kills that make slashers so much fun. Overall, Nail Gun Massacre is one of my favorite horror films, but I love it for all the wrong reasons. The movie has no reason for being as good as it is but I’m glad a company like Terror Vision took the time to give fans an amazing release. I highly recommend snagging this one while you can
Special Features:
Archival Restoration of Nail Gun Massacre in 4:3
Archival Restoration of Nail Gun Massacre in 1.78:1
New Commentary by The Hysteria Continues
New Commentary by Will Dodson & Ryan Verrill of Someone’s Favorite Productions
Archival Commentary by Loyd Cryer
New Audio Interview w/ Actress Connie Speer
New Interview w/ Actress Michelle Meyer
New Interview w/ Actor Rocky Patterson
New Interview w/ Kit Connally
New Interview w/ Loyd Cryer
Interview w/ Writer, Director, and Stuntman Terry Lofton
Interview w/ Composer Whitey Thomas
New Visual Essay by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas
Rewind Zone w/ Yasmina Ketita – Courtesy of Rue Morgue TV
Alamo Drafthouse Screening w/ Q&A
Location Featurette
Nailed (An Archival Making Of)
Nail Gun Q&A Hosted by Joe Bob Briggs
Promotional Trailer
Newly Created Subtitles