
Blood & Breakfast (Review)

Director – Mark Byrne (Bigfoot!, Remnants)
Starring – Nancy Anne Ridder (Scream, The Only Ones), Beatrice Boepple (A Nightmare on Elm St.: The Dream Child, Quarantine), and Jim Krut (Dawn of the Dead, Bottom Creek)
Release Date – 2024
Rating – 2/5

I’m always looking forward to the next indie horror film to review. I never know what movie is going to be sent my way for review and it’s damn near impossible to keep up with all the indie projects I receive press releases for. For sometime now I’ve been seeing posts for the indie slasher Blood and & Breakfast on social media and it catches my eye every time I see one.

I’m a big fan of Morrigan Thompson-Milam so seeing her appear in a film with one of the most recognizable zombies from Dawn of the Dead, portrayed by Jim Krut, really intrigued me. A few weeks back I was contacted by actor Matt Burns to check it out and I quickly agreed to it. I wasn’t able to get to it right away but I was able to work it into my schedule. I want to thank Matt for sending this one my way!

**Spoiler Alert** The film follows a bed and breakfast who just happens to be in a town where a serial killer is active. One of the guests is a bit odd and matches the description the police has released of the suspect which causes the other guests to suspect that it’s him. They form a mob to investigate his room when they discover him dead and their group starts falling prey to the real killer one by one. **Spoiler Alert**

I went into Blood & Breakfast very excited. I was really looking forward to seeing the film especially after I saw that Morrigan and Jim was in it. However, the movie wasn’t for me. There was some things that I liked about it but it wasn’t something that I particularly enjoyed.

The acting in this one is very inconsistent. The film has a big list so I would be here all day praising and picking apart performances. With that being said, some of the performances were much better than others. These performances came from those with some on camera experience while those without made several of the scenes awkward to watch.

The story for this one held my attention very well. It’s more of a murder mystery than a slasher but that is something I enjoy. I prefer slashers over this kind of films but I still like them. The killer’s identity is not easily predictable and I like the twist with the angry mob convinced someone else is the killer. I really liked the way that played out and how the real killer is revealed. It was the build up to these that I struggled with. Most of the film consists of dialogue heavy scenes that were extremely dull. I found myself watching the clock more than the film during these scenes. It almost feels like a day time soap opera than a horror film. A lot of the fat, so to speak, could be trimmed and it would improve the films pacing.

Finally, the film has several deaths. We get a lot of blood and some fun practical effects. In fact, the deaths were the most impressive aspect of the film. They are not the most original but they are fun and fit the film perfectly. Overall, Blood & Breakfast wasn’t one that I enjoyed. I can look over the cast’s inconsistency but the film’s pacing is all wrong. The long, drawn out scenes ruins any sense of tension the film tries to establish. I wanted to like it but I couldn’t.


(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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