
Petition: Open Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco to the public!


…At least for a couple of days a year.

Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco is a state recognized boy scout camp in New Jersey, bordering Delaware on the Northwest side. Oh, and it’s also the location of Sean Cunningham’s iconic slasher Friday the 13th. The camp was always selective with its visitors since its opening in 1927, but after the film was released in 1980 the camp was flooded with tourists and bad press, and eventually the whole camping grounds were closed off to the public completely. Many of the cabins and locations still stand today, but few are so willing to trespass on the property since scout leaders are quick to call the police on intruders.

Still, having visited the real Amityville Horror house in New York, I’ve experienced first hand the buzz, the excitement of standing in the same exact spot where horror history was made. I can only imagine what it would be like to walk on the little sandy lake where Adrienne King beheaded Betsy Palmer. And, apparently, many horror fans agree with me. I mean, why wouldn’t they? Sure, every group has its bad apples, but I’d wager 97% of people who want to visit Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco just want to snap a couple pictures and bring Friday the 13th to life in the realest way possible.

Currently, there is a petition online to open Camp-No-Be-Bo-Sco to the public. Only two tours have been held – one in 2011 and one in 2013. With respect to the Boy Scouts of America, the petition is only asking for a semi-frequent guided tour and a camp out once a year. It’s not a big request being that the camp isn’t being used 24/7 and most Friday the 13ths fall in the winter where campers are less likely to be sleeping out in the woods. I think this is a great idea for the camp as it will boost revenue and cut down on the amount of unwanted trespassers. I’d glady pay $100 for a real life Camp Crystal Lake walkthrough where I can be at ease than trespass and run for my life after taking two photos.

As I write this, the petition already has 390 signatures. Please head on over to Facebook and “like” the campaign page, which is basically your signature of approval.

Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)

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