
Mutantis (Review)


Director – Kelly Fitzgerald (Isle of the Damned)
Starring – Darren Bolk, Gary Brown, and Mark Colegrove (Lost Trailer Park: Never Coming Attractions)
Release Date – 2014
Rating – 4/5

Tagline(s) – “Half-Man! Half-Beast! All Terror!” and “The toxic terror that will scare you to death”

When October rolls around most horror fans pick up their movie watching game and turn towards the films that are more serious in tone or focus on Halloween.  I prefer to watch kid friendly horror films or horror films that rely on cheap laughs and potty humor during the month of October because I watch the other all year round.

I recently watch the low-budget horror comedy Nuclear Neighbourhood and wanted to follow it up with another horror comedy.  Not long ago the fine folks over at Dir Wit Films sent me their newest flick Mutantis to view.  They always know how to hit the funny bone so I knew I would be in for good time with this one!


**Spoiler Alert**The film follows intellectual Father Joy as he takes his step-siblings and their virgin (she sucks dick and takes it in the ass) friend out for a camping trip with a more sinister motive. He is on the look out for a legend in the valley they will be camping in.  The legend is known as Mutantis and he is said to be an ape like creature but it obviously a mantis mutation.

He secretly hired a team of hillbillies to help him find the beast and they succeed but they are unable to keep the beast trapped.  Mutantis breaks free and kills all the hillbillies, some hippie campers, and their horny virgin friend.  They quickly learn that Mutantis is a hermaphrodite and has been trying to breed ever since it was mutated by toxic waste.  They try to stop the beast before it can become pregnant but is it too late?**Spoiler Alert**

Dir Wit is a team I know that will never let me down.   They have released some of my favorite films in the indie horror scene.  Films like Isle of the Damned and Pleasures of the Damned are two films I can always count on cheering me up if I have a shitty day and 7th Day I know I can watch if I want to watch a well made horror flick.  The poster above let me know that this film would be wild like the two Damned films and boy was I write.  This film was hilarious and fit in perfectly with the other two films.

The acting in this one is bad but that was intentional which means the cast did an outstanding job.  Don’t try to make sense out of that because you wont and that is the point of the acting in this film.  All the characters are fake and over the top.  I always have the need to watch a Monty Python sketch after watching a Dir Wit film.  The story for this one is one told before especially in the Troma age of indie films.  However, you don’t have to be original to be fun and Dir Wit proves that time and time again.

Finally, the film has horrible practical effects and I fucking loved it.  The film, if you did not notice, was intended to be bad and the special effects were no different.  I did like the look of Mutantis but it was cheap.  SyFy should hire Dir Wit to take on their next creature feature and we may end up with a Sharknado movie worth a damn!  Overall, Mutantis is a damn good film that is funny as hell.  It shows how you don’t need a big budget to knock the viewer’s socks off.  It also shows how recycled stories can be retold in a brand new light.  Do yourself a favor and check it out because this is one that will not let you down.



(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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