
The Brood (Review)


Director – David Cronenberg (Videodrome, Scanners)
Starring – Oliver Reed (The Pit and the Pendulum, Gladiator), Samantha Eggar (Metalocalypse, Demonoid: Messenger of Death), and Art Hindle (Monster Brawl, Porky’s)
Release Date – 1979
Rating – 3/5

Tagline(s) – “The Ultimate Experience Of Inner Terror” and “They’re Waiting… For You!”

Director David Cronenberg is a man who has left his mark on the horror genre by creating films that are outside of your normal horror flicks. Most horror films revolve around some sort or presence (ghosts, serial killers, masked murderers, zombies, vampires, etc) trying to kill the main characters in the film.  However, in most of Cronenberg’s films it is the character’s body that is doing all the ghastly deeds.  That is why Cronenberg is known as the creator of the anatomy (or body horror) sub-genre.

Sadly, Cronenberg has somewhat stepped away from the genre to make a multitude of dramas including A History in Violence and Eastern Promises which are two non-horror flicks that I highly recommend.  I had seen both of those but until I watched and reviewed Videodrome several months back I only knew of Cronenberg as  Dr. Philip K. Decker in the 1990 Clive Barker film Nightbreed.  However, after watching Videodrome I wanted to check out his other horror films and reviewer Zombie13 hooked me up with his DVD of The Brood to watch and review.


**Spoiler Alert**The film follows Frank Carveth (Hindle) who is investigating the murder of his ex-wife’s mother.  She was killed by a small child like creature while she was babysitting Frank’s daughter.  Frank’s wife, Nola (Eggar), is mentally unstable and is undergoing treatment by psychotherapist Dr. Hal Raglan (Reed) who uses physical therapy to cope with mental illness.

While Frank is investigating Juliana’s death his daughter is kidnapped by the child like creature.  Frank rushes to find his daughter and discovers that Nola has been affected by Raglan’s treatments and her body can now produce offspring, the small children like creatures known as broods.  She is the mother of several of these creatures that kills anyone that their mother sees as a threat.**Spoiler Alert**

When I watched Videodrome I have to admit that I was blew away by so many aspects of that film.  My biggest praises for that film was the gut wrenching special effects and rather unusual story.  It is these very reasons that I wanted to check out Cronenberg’s other horror films.  Sadly, The Brood does not have either of those redeeming qualities that made me seek out his other films.  The film is still a fun watch but is nowhere on the same level as the previously mentioned film.

The acting in this one is top notch wish is something to expect from a Cronenberg film.  Regardless of the genre he is in he always recruits the best talent and this helps out any film tremendously.  The story is original and had the potential to be a great straight forward horror film but swayed from that path and tried to be a thriller with a “who done it” feel.  Sadly, this took away from the over all film.

Finally, those looking for great on-screen kills will not find them here.  The film uses generic deaths in a standard fashion that is really not that entertaining.  However, the film does have some great special effects but not enough of it.  Videodrome has enough special effects to make any horror fans cream his/her pants.  However, this film just gives us a little taste of great special effects before ending.  More is not always better but in this case it is.  Overall, this is a good film but it could have been so much better.  I recommend this one but it does not have any replay value.




(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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