
Rob Zombie to Direct New Film…About Groucho Marx?

rob-zombie-bloody is reporting that rock icon turned horror director will be directing a biopic about the last years of Groucho Marx.  To some of you this may come as a big fucking surprise and to be honest I can see how you are surprised but for those of you that are fans of Zombie’s films this may not seem as a surprise at all.

First off, Zombie is very vocal about his love for Marx and his brothers and even referenced this several times in House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects.  Zombie even went as far as to name his most iconic characters from House and Rejects after characters in Marx films.

If that is not enough, we are given that amazing scene in Rejects where Zombie had the characters argue between the importance of Elvis and Marx and how Elvis’ funeral overshadowed Marx’s.

The project will have Zombie in the director’s chair, as well as, producing and will be based on the novel Raised Eyebrows: My Years Inside Groucho’s House.


(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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