
Upcoming Horror Short “The Gaze of Flame,” to film in June

Horror Short “The Gaze of Flame,” starring Erika Bierman (“The Hunger Games) and Jessica Harthcock (“Enders Game,” “Demons”) to film in June on the MS Gulf Coast.

You can’t scream. You can’t move. You can only BURN.

After the sudden, mysterious destruction of their small town, two sisters must flee a vengeful primeval entity awakened by accidental disturbance of an ancient burial ground.

The premise is what if a ancient Medusa-like creature would be unleashed on the modern world. A creature that brings darkness wherever it travels, yearning to catch its victims in its Gaze of Flame.

The film is directed by Neil Brimelow and written and produced by Neil Brimelow and Mike Bierman, and will be released in 2018.

Jessica and Erika

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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