
For the Sake of Vicious (Review)

Nothing good this way comes

Director(s) – Gabriel Carrer (In the House of Flies, The Demolisher) and Reese Eveneshen (Dead Genesis, The Zombie Disposal Unit Presents Zombie Truck)
Starring – Lora Burke (Paranormal 911, See No Evil), Nick Smyth (Motherly, Covenant), and Colin Paradine (Antisocial, Surviving Evil)
Release Date – 2020
Rating – 2.5/5

A few weeks ago I received a package from MVD with a bunch of movies in it for review. There was several movies from Wild Eye Releasing, a couple from Severin, the new UHD release from Blue Underground. There was also a few random releases placed in that I was excited to check out.

After I took a look at the Argentinian post-apocalyptic horror film Scavenger I was looking for something get the taste out of my mouth. I decided to go with the newest Epic Pictures Group release. I want to thank MVD for sending over For the Sake of Vicious for review.

**Spoiler Alert**The film follows a nurse who returns to her home to find a deranged man in her kitchen who had abducted and beaten another man. He tries to convince her that the man he is torturing is responsible for the rape of his little girl. She is reluctant to believe him at first and eventually tries to set him free. The man, a local business owner with ties to the underworld, calls a colleague to pick him up. However, his colleague wants to use this as a way to get rid of him and take over the business. He puts together an army of masked goons to ambush the house resulting in a barrage of gunfire and blood. **Spoiler Alert**

The trailer and artwork for this one made me think I was going to be digging into a bloody and brilliant horror film with tons of action. Sadly, that was not the case. The movie throws everything at the viewer during the last 20 minutes or so but the hour leading up to that point is painstakingly dull. I wanted to love it but I couldn’t it.

The acting in this one is very well done. I really enjoyed the characters and how they reacted to the story. The cast did a magnificent job in their roles and really went all in on their performances.

The story for this one is extremely uneven. The film has an amazing premise that really hits hard to some. As a father I found certain parts of the film to be extremely emotional and it hits hard. With that being said, the first hour or so of the film is extremely dull and claustrophobic. Following the three leads in the kitchen as they bicker, fight, and beat on each other is fun at first but quickly runs its course early on. Where the movie makes it’s money is during the action filled last 20 minutes that is very fun to watch. Not enough to save the film but it was fun to watch.

Finally, the film has several deaths. A lot of extremely bloody and violent but they looked good and fit the movie very well. We get a lot of practical effects that looks great but most of these deaths will not stick with you. Overall, For the Sake of Vicious throws everything at the viewer during the final scene but forgets the story during the first hour or so of the film. I found myself struggling with this one. It’s worth the watch for the bloody bash at the end but the movie leading up to it is a tough one to finish.


(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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