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Deadly Beauty: Horror’s Scream Queens and Rising Talent: Ashliee Reeves


Deadly Beauty: Horror’s Scream Queens and Rising Talent Ashliee Reeves

11091135_10205947512785485_683652409_n“Ashliee Reeves A.K.A. Ashphyxia hails from Dallas, Texas. Ash has been pursuing her modeling career for 12 years and it has definitely come full circle. Ash thrives on being in front of the camera, it enables her to bring characters to life, bringing life to themed shoots and telling stories with just her poses. Ashphyxia has been in runway shows, magazine publications and has a huge internet presence with her modeling and tiresome work with countless photographers. Her modeling style is a list of many from glamour and boudoir to fetish and bondage.

As of recently Ash has branched out her modeling career to include film, television, production, directing, writing and acting. Ash was approached by a film director and asked to be in a Vampire movie and with her love of horror she gladly accepted. This role has snowballed into many more acting opportunities over the last year. This has become a new love for her and she turned this love into The Degenerate Beauty Queens.

The Degenerate Beauty Queens is her and a business partners horror production company. With a focus on the love of horror and gore Ash has written, co-written, acted in and directed their short films that have become a huge part of D.B.Q. The Beauty Queens plan on continuing with the short film production, modeling, and writing. If you are not on board with The Degenerate Beauty Queens you better jump on now this train will steam roll it way through your town soon.”*


Publications: Femme Exposure Surreal Beauty Promotional Modeling: Corsets Tb & TB Clothing Company Zombie Gear Television Appearances: S.N.O. – (Saturday Night Out) Television Commercial 2003 Sprockets and Splices Rocking DFW Pale Moonlight Theatre Movies: Dead Fall: Ground Zero- actor Bloodshed- actor Demonic Chronic 48 Hour Competition- actor (the film took the award for best use of required props) LymeLight Wolves at the Door- Lead Actor and Producer Degenerate Beauty Queens- Lead Actor and Producer Real Rape- Lead Actor and Producer Cancer Dancer- Actor Coming soon- Friday the 13th Fan Film- Actor


Location: Dallas TX

1. How did you get into the industry?

I started modeling when I was 13 and shot a few commercials. About two years ago a friend asked me if I would act in his movie and it’s gone off from there as well as my own production company

2. What Scream Queen inspired you most?

It’s honestly hard for me to just pick one. I love Elvira, lilly Munster and many more. I will say I did like Paris Hilton in House of Wax, but mostly I just liked watching her die. Haha

3. What are the next couple projects you are working on?

I’m currently working on a short film I’m producing called Wolves at the Door and two other shorts that are just about done. I also perform with a band Scary Cherry and the Bang Bangs who’s singer was in one of the Freddy’s and 976 Evil.

11091347_10205947512665482_1670449295_nIMDB Page
Official Facebook Page
Model Mayhem Page
Official Twitter Page

*Bio Info Courtesy of Ashliee


Owner of Slit of the Wrist FX and producer, actor, FX artist and writer.

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