
The Comic Crypt: Retro Horror Comic ‘Nightworld’ Recalls Comics’ Silver Age


Upcoming graphic novel Nightworld from Image Comics harkens back to the days of comics past. Nightworld vol. 1 will hit comic shelves on February 25 from writers Adam McGovern and Paolo Leandri. Read on for more details.

From The Press Release

Plenilunio was once a man. But when his love, Lidia, fell into a wandering sleep, he bargained with dark forces and took the form of a demon. And Lidia remained trapped in her dreams. In NIGHTWORLD, VOLUME 1: MIDNIGHT SONATA, a graphic novel from Image Comics in February, Plenilunio seeks the Soul Key, an artifact he believes will both return Lidia to life and restore his human form. On Plenilunio’s side are a kindly old necromancer and the old man’s granddaughter. Standing in his way are Hellena and Hotspot, two minions of the Devil himself, who isn’t about to let a soul slip away easily!

Adam McGovern and Paolo Leandri collaborated on a wildly imaginative story full of drama, melancholy, love, and bombastic evil. Brought to (after)life by Leandri’s bold, Kirby-esque art, NIGHTWORLD harkens back comics’ Silver Age and Hammer’s famous horror films.

“Nightworld is a reliquary of my regrets about human reactions to trying circumstances, a treasure-chest of Paolo’s and my passions for midcentury pop culture, and an open vault of our ambitions for how fun and adventurous comics can be,” McGovern said in an interview with

NIGHTWORLD, VOLUME 1 will be in comic book stores on February 25 and in bookstores on March 10. It is available now for pre-order.


NIGHTWORLD, VOLUME 1: MIDNIGHT SONATA by Adam McGovern and Paolo Leandri

  • ISBN 978-1-63215-205-3
  • Diamond Comic order code DEC140677
  • 104 pages, paperback, color
  • $12.99
  • Collects NIGHTWORLD #1-4
  • Rated Teen
  • In comic book stores February 25, bookstores March 10

Praise for NIGHTWORLD:

“A wonderfully weirdly beautiful series from Paolo Leandri and Adam McGovern. If anyone is looking for a comic that seems to have come from another dimension….” –Mike Allred, creator of MADMAN and artist on Silver Surfer

“It’s kitschy cool and the retro style illustrations continue throughout the book. The magical elements, the garb, even the text and composition framework recalls an old school Lee/Kirby-esque vibe. And it works. Well. The book is a delight to look at and linger upon well after you’ve finished reading the words on each page.  Leandri’s art is odd and fun, creepy and colorful, and the combinations make a feast for the eyes.” –William, Word of the Nerd

“With a compelling central concept, sumptuous art, and a brooding protagonist we can’t help but feel for, Nightworld offers the perfect blend of camp, atmosphere, and emotionality.” –Michelle White, Multiversity Comics


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Michael Juvinall

I am a Horror journalist, producer, ravenous Horror fiend, aficionado of the classic Universal Monsters, Hammer Horror, Werewolves, and all things Horror.

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