Oh yes, its time once again for another round of blood curdling, gut wrenching Independent Horror on the big screen. This time around its Summer Slaughter! Slashers, Psychos, and Serial Killers!
Saturday, July 11th at the historic Portage Theater – 4050 N. Milwaukee, Chicago, IL
We are showcasing some of the best indie slashers out there….This time around its Summer Slaughter, featuring the best slashers, psychos, sickos, and serial killer filled movies that you will ever see! This summer you will witness some of the best special effects in the indie horror world. Horror Society is bringing you film festivals every 3 months in the City of Chicago, and in July we will be bringing you blood filled hours of Independent Underground Horror. We will have vendors, guests, giveaways, trailers, and more!
We will be featuring the world premiere of SERIAL: Amoral Uprising followed by a Q&A with the cast and crew of this new and disturbing film!!

Blood Shed
Frat House Massacre
Serial: Amoral Uprising
Tokyo Gore Police
She Bang
Zombie Apocalypse
The Dead Matter
Master Ron Fitzgerald
John Borowski
Kevin Jamison
Carson Jones
Christopher Howell
Ryan Oliver
Kitley’s Krypt
Zombie Apocalypse
Legion Studios
Chateau Grrr
Ken Carrano
Joe Wallace
Bryan and Mary Bloodsoaker
Kitty Zombie
Spooky Uberette
and more….
Get bruised, cut up, and slashed by Makeup Artist Colleen Jones
Grab your picture with our Serial Killer Photo Op
There will also be a free raffle and contests with some brand new Official Halloween 2 Posters and Midnight Syndicate CDs
Doors Open at 4:30pm
Films begin at 5:15pm
Saturday July 11th
5pm to 12am
Portage Theater
4050 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL
Thank you for inviting me to appear as a guest at the Summer Slaughter Film Fest July 2009. I felt the festival was professionally run and had a very enjoyable time. The classic Portage Theater is an excellent venue for your fest and is well worth the trip to the northwest side, which is my old neighborhood!. Stay Bloody!
John Borowski